applicationContext = Production

Previous events


Die Sonnenoberfläche gleicht einem brodelnden Kessel aus heißem Plasma. Sonnenflecken – dunklere und kühlere Bereiche als der Rest der Oberfläche – kommen und gehen. In ihrer Nähe bilden sich riesige Plasma-Magnetfeldbögen. Gelegentlich schleudern magnetische Kurzschlüsse gewaltige Ströme geladener…

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Please be invited to our fourth Colloquy in the winter term 2023/24. We will have the pleasure to hold the event in the new MPP building on Campus Garching.

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You are invited to an exciting evening at the interface between art and science: 'A shot in the Dark' is an award-winning art installation that is currently on display at the foyer of the TUM Physics Department on the Campus Garching.

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