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Press releases


Irene Tamborra, Professor at the University of Copenhagen and Mercator Fellow of the SFB1258, receives an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project ANET to solve the riddle of how neutrinos affect the physics of spectacular cosmic fireworks in the death of massive stars as core-collapse supernova…

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How are galaxies born, and what holds them together? Astronomers assume that dark matter plays an essential role. However, as yet it has not been possible to prove directly that dark matter exists. A research team including Technical University of Munich (TUM) scientists has now measured for the…

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For over ten years the IceCube Observatory in the Antarctic has been monitoring the light traces of extragalactic neutrinos. While evaluating the observatory's data, an international research team led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) discovered a high-energy neutrino radiation source in…

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Elisa Resconi, speaker of the SFB1258, receives an ERC Advanced Grant for starting a new observatory for cosmic neutrinos. Within the next five years Resconi and her team will develop and deploy the first three strings of P-ONE, the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment.

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The international KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN), located at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has broken an important "barrier" in neutrino physics which is relevant for both particle physics and cosmology. Based on data published in the prestigious journal Nature Physics, a…

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The European Physical Society awards the highly regarded 'Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize' 2021 to the scientific collaboration Borexino for their groundbreaking observations of solar neutrinos from the pp chain and the CNO cycle, with which the fusion reactions inside the sun could be proofed for…

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The positively charged protons in atomic nuclei should actually repel each other, and yet even heavy nuclei with many protons and neutrons stick together. The so-called strong interaction is responsible for this. Prof. Laura Fabbietti and her research group at the Technical University of Munich…

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The Borexino Experiment research team has succeeded in detecting neutrinos from the sun's second fusion process, the Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen cycle (CNO cycle) for the first time. This means that all of the theoretical predictions on how energy is generated within the sun have now also been…

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The “IceCube” neutrino observatory deep in the ice of the South Pole has already brought spectacular new insights into cosmic incidents of extremely high energies. In order to investigate the cosmic origins of elementary particles with even higher energies, Prof. Elisa Resconi from the Technical…

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In the fight against Covid-19, an interdisciplinary research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a model for a contact tracing app that protects personal data. The concept is based on an encryption process that prevents the temporary contact numbers (TCNs) of infected…

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