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SFB1258: The DFG approves the second round of funding

The SFB1258 will receive funding from the DFG for a second funding period until 31. December 2024 to continue its research on the crossroads of astro and particle physics to solve some of the most pressing questions of fundamental physics on neutrinos, dark matter and neutrino messengers.

Front page of the SFB1258 proposal for the second funding period (Credit: Diogo da Cruz)

The funding includes positions for about 40 academic staff, doctoral researchers and postdocs. The scientists of the Technical University of Munich will continue their successful work together with researchers from the Max Planck Institutes for Physics, Astrophysics, and Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, as well as the Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna, and the Atominstitut of TU Vienna. New principal investigators are: Philipp Eller (TUM), Julia Harz (TUM), Uli Haisch (MPP) and Erwin Jericha (TU Vienna).

Overall, the DFG Approval Committee approved the establishment of eleven new Collaborative Research Centers from July 1, 2021, and extended 27 ongoing SFBs for a further funding period.

SFB1258: The DFG approves the second round of funding

The SFB1258 will receive funding from the DFG for a second funding period until 31. December 2024 to continue its research on the crossroads of astro and particle physics to solve some of the most pressing questions of fundamental physics on neutrinos, dark matter and neutrino messengers.

Front page of the SFB1258 proposal for the second funding period (Credit: Diogo da Cruz)

The funding includes positions for about 40 academic staff, doctoral researchers and postdocs. The scientists of the Technical University of Munich will continue their successful work together with researchers from the Max Planck Institutes for Physics, Astrophysics, and Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, as well as the Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna, and the Atominstitut of TU Vienna. New principal investigators are: Philipp Eller (TUM), Julia Harz (TUM), Uli Haisch (MPP) and Erwin Jericha (TU Vienna).

Overall, the DFG Approval Committee approved the establishment of eleven new Collaborative Research Centers from July 1, 2021, and extended 27 ongoing SFBs for a further funding period.

SFB1258: The DFG approves the second round of funding

The SFB1258 will receive funding from the DFG for a second funding period until 31. December 2024 to continue its research on the crossroads of astro and particle physics to solve some of the most pressing questions of fundamental physics on neutrinos, dark matter and neutrino messengers.

Front page of the SFB1258 proposal for the second funding period (Credit: Diogo da Cruz)

The funding includes positions for about 40 academic staff, doctoral researchers and postdocs. The scientists of the Technical University of Munich will continue their successful work together with researchers from the Max Planck Institutes for Physics, Astrophysics, and Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, as well as the Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna, and the Atominstitut of TU Vienna. New principal investigators are: Philipp Eller (TUM), Julia Harz (TUM), Uli Haisch (MPP) and Erwin Jericha (TU Vienna).

Overall, the DFG Approval Committee approved the establishment of eleven new Collaborative Research Centers from July 1, 2021, and extended 27 ongoing SFBs for a further funding period.