applicationContext = Production


Invisibles18 School, Raitenhaslach

The Invisibles18 School took place at the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach in Burghausen, Germany, from 28 August until 2 September 2018. It preceded the Invisibles18 Workshop KIT in Karlsruhe. The Invisible18 School was jointly organised by the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network ITN Elusives and the Collaborative Research Center 'Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics' (SFB1258).

Lectures & tutorials were held on the following topics:

  • The birth of (non-stellar) neutrino astronomy: multi-messenger astrophysics and active galactic nuclei, Paolo Padovani (ESO)
  • ESOAxion and ALPs: a broader view, Jörg Jäckel (University of Heidelberg)
  • DM without prejudice, Kathryn Zurek (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Neutrinos with focus on non-oscillation physics, Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
  • Classical solutions in field theory, Andrew Cohen (Boston University)

The social activities included a guided tour through Burghausen castle, a raft trip on the river Salzach and a BBQ at Raitenhaslach monastery.

Invisibles18 School, Raitenhaslach

The Invisibles18 School took place at the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach in Burghausen, Germany, from 28 August until 2 September 2018. It preceded the Invisibles18 Workshop KIT in Karlsruhe. The Invisible18 School was jointly organised by the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network ITN Elusives and the Collaborative Research Center 'Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics' (SFB1258).

Lectures & tutorials were held on the following topics:

  • The birth of (non-stellar) neutrino astronomy: multi-messenger astrophysics and active galactic nuclei, Paolo Padovani (ESO)
  • ESOAxion and ALPs: a broader view, Jörg Jäckel (University of Heidelberg)
  • DM without prejudice, Kathryn Zurek (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Neutrinos with focus on non-oscillation physics, Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
  • Classical solutions in field theory, Andrew Cohen (Boston University)

The social activities included a guided tour through Burghausen castle, a raft trip on the river Salzach and a BBQ at Raitenhaslach monastery.

Invisibles18 School, Raitenhaslach

The Invisibles18 School took place at the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach in Burghausen, Germany, from 28 August until 2 September 2018. It preceded the Invisibles18 Workshop KIT in Karlsruhe. The Invisible18 School was jointly organised by the Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network ITN Elusives and the Collaborative Research Center 'Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics' (SFB1258).

Lectures & tutorials were held on the following topics:

  • The birth of (non-stellar) neutrino astronomy: multi-messenger astrophysics and active galactic nuclei, Paolo Padovani (ESO)
  • ESOAxion and ALPs: a broader view, Jörg Jäckel (University of Heidelberg)
  • DM without prejudice, Kathryn Zurek (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Neutrinos with focus on non-oscillation physics, Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
  • Classical solutions in field theory, Andrew Cohen (Boston University)

The social activities included a guided tour through Burghausen castle, a raft trip on the river Salzach and a BBQ at Raitenhaslach monastery.