applicationContext = Production


Colloquy with Irene Tamborra & Almudena Arcones

with Irene Tamborra, U Kopenhagen/TUM: "Neutrinos and Supernovae"
and Almudena Arcones, TU Darmstadt: "Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements"

venue: Telescopium auditorium, ESO

16. April 2018, 13:30 - 15:30

with Coffee at 13:30

Colloquy with Irene Tamborra & Almudena Arcones

with Irene Tamborra, U Kopenhagen/TUM: "Neutrinos and Supernovae"
and Almudena Arcones, TU Darmstadt: "Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements"

venue: Telescopium auditorium, ESO

16. April 2018, 13:30 - 15:30

with Coffee at 13:30

Colloquy with Irene Tamborra & Almudena Arcones

with Irene Tamborra, U Kopenhagen/TUM: "Neutrinos and Supernovae"
and Almudena Arcones, TU Darmstadt: "Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements"

venue: Telescopium auditorium, ESO

16. April 2018, 13:30 - 15:30

with Coffee at 13:30