applicationContext = Production


18 Dec, Colloquy with Motoko Fujiwara and Valentina Mantovani Sarti

Please be invited to our third Colloquy in the winter term 2023/24. We will have the pleasure to hold the event in the new MPP building on Campus Garching.

December 18th 2023

New MPP building in the campus Garching, Boltzmannstr. 8 - room A.1.01/03 (main auditorium)
9:30 Coffee
10:00 - 11:00 Motoko Fujiwara (TUM) - Neutron stars as new laboratories

Recently, neutron stars have been gathering the attention as new laboratories. Neutron stars show unique circumstances, including high density, strong magnetic fields, and gravitational potential around stars. These features can be crucial advantages in probing unknown microscopic properties of matter and new degrees of freedom such as dark matter candidates. In this direction, it is indispensable to establish neutron star physics and to examine possible uncertainty sources. We will first review the key characteristics of a neutron star and existing ideas for exploiting its observables. Through this, we will initiate discussion to establish each search direction and to invent new ideas. 

11:00-11:30 coffee break

11:30 - 12:30 Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM) - New experimental approaches to probe strange and exotic matter in neutron stars

In this talk we will present novel experimental tools, including correlation measurements LHC  and new hyper nuclear facilities, aiming at providing high-precision data on the underlying 2- and 3-body strong interaction involving strange hadrons and nucleons. Such combined experimental effort aims at improving the knowledge on the equation of state of neutron stars, probing the possibility to have, in the inner core, strange and more exotic constituents.

18 Dec, Colloquy with Motoko Fujiwara and Valentina Mantovani Sarti

Please be invited to our third Colloquy in the winter term 2023/24. We will have the pleasure to hold the event in the new MPP building on Campus Garching.

December 18th 2023

New MPP building in the campus Garching, Boltzmannstr. 8 - room A.1.01/03 (main auditorium)
9:30 Coffee
10:00 - 11:00 Motoko Fujiwara (TUM) - Neutron stars as new laboratories

Recently, neutron stars have been gathering the attention as new laboratories. Neutron stars show unique circumstances, including high density, strong magnetic fields, and gravitational potential around stars. These features can be crucial advantages in probing unknown microscopic properties of matter and new degrees of freedom such as dark matter candidates. In this direction, it is indispensable to establish neutron star physics and to examine possible uncertainty sources. We will first review the key characteristics of a neutron star and existing ideas for exploiting its observables. Through this, we will initiate discussion to establish each search direction and to invent new ideas. 

11:00-11:30 coffee break

11:30 - 12:30 Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM) - New experimental approaches to probe strange and exotic matter in neutron stars

In this talk we will present novel experimental tools, including correlation measurements LHC  and new hyper nuclear facilities, aiming at providing high-precision data on the underlying 2- and 3-body strong interaction involving strange hadrons and nucleons. Such combined experimental effort aims at improving the knowledge on the equation of state of neutron stars, probing the possibility to have, in the inner core, strange and more exotic constituents.

18 Dec, Colloquy with Motoko Fujiwara and Valentina Mantovani Sarti

Please be invited to our third Colloquy in the winter term 2023/24. We will have the pleasure to hold the event in the new MPP building on Campus Garching.

December 18th 2023

New MPP building in the campus Garching, Boltzmannstr. 8 - room A.1.01/03 (main auditorium)
9:30 Coffee
10:00 - 11:00 Motoko Fujiwara (TUM) - Neutron stars as new laboratories

Recently, neutron stars have been gathering the attention as new laboratories. Neutron stars show unique circumstances, including high density, strong magnetic fields, and gravitational potential around stars. These features can be crucial advantages in probing unknown microscopic properties of matter and new degrees of freedom such as dark matter candidates. In this direction, it is indispensable to establish neutron star physics and to examine possible uncertainty sources. We will first review the key characteristics of a neutron star and existing ideas for exploiting its observables. Through this, we will initiate discussion to establish each search direction and to invent new ideas. 

11:00-11:30 coffee break

11:30 - 12:30 Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM) - New experimental approaches to probe strange and exotic matter in neutron stars

In this talk we will present novel experimental tools, including correlation measurements LHC  and new hyper nuclear facilities, aiming at providing high-precision data on the underlying 2- and 3-body strong interaction involving strange hadrons and nucleons. Such combined experimental effort aims at improving the knowledge on the equation of state of neutron stars, probing the possibility to have, in the inner core, strange and more exotic constituents.